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Future Meetings

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Visit our partner, PATACS

Meetings in Person and Via Zoom
Session Meeting Access Will Be Sent via Email

Not a Member? Want to Attend Our Zoom Sessions?
Arlington Email: arlmtgs(at)patacs.org      Fairfax Email ffxmtg(at)patacs.org

OPCUG / PATACS Saturday Meeting
Meeting Details: Sep 21st, 2024

3rd Saturday - 1 PM

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, 4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032-1028

OLLI Health and Safety Protocols

Coffee, Soda and Individual Snack Packages will be available.

In-Person & Via Zoom
Zoom - Access Numbers Via Email
Agenda / Meeting Info

Zoom from 12:45 PM

Using Zoom

Experts Panel - Help with Tech Woes

Frank Fota, Tom Gutnick,
Gabe Goldberg


Learn in 30:
Smart Watches and Hard Fall Detection

Presented by
John Krout


June 15th - PC Clinic / in the Annex
- Computer Got the Blues?

Contact director2 (at) patacs.org
to arrange a presentation !!
30 Minute Sessions Especially Needed

Future Meeting Topics:

October 19th: To Be Announced
November 16th: Lin30 - Patty Davis - Digital Preservation of Records

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