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Membership and Group Communications

Membership Forms and Brochure

  • Membership Form     PDF File Updated 3/3/2024

    You must be a member of OLLI-GMU to join OPCUG.

    Please - Print out membership form, complete, and forward
    by mail with your $5 dues payment.
    Make check payable to:OLLI-GMU, Memo Line: OPCUG Dues.
    Mail to: Paul Howard, 12811 Turberville Ln, Oak Hill VA 20171-2219.

    Have you already renewed? Contributions for the
    Refreshment 'Tip Jar' are encouraged. Social Distancing won't
    last forever - and we want to "Par-Tay." Send your check
    Payable to OLLI-GMU to the address above, Memo Line: OPCUG Tip Jar.

  • Informational Trifold Brochure - PDF file - updated February, 2020


OPCUG Activities - 2021: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF File


OPCUG Activities - 2019: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF File


OPCUG Ballot Question – September, 2015

I approve the consolidation of the three existing OPCUG funds – Door Prize, APCUG Dues, and Equipment - into a single fund. I also approve the dispersal of those financial assets as necessary to meet the group's obligations, with the approval at least two members of the group's executive committee. This approval rescinds the prior approach to OPCUG financial affairs, dating to August, 2010.
29 Voted Yes. There were no negative ballots.

OPCUG Update, Leadership Transition, August 21, 2015 - PDF File

Financial Report, August, 2015 - PDF File

OPCUG Activities - 2014: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF File


Financial Report, Dec, 2014 PDF File

OPCUG Activities - 2013: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF File


Financial Report, Dec, 2013 PDF File

Financial Report, July, 2013 PDF File

OPCUG Activities - 2012: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF File


Financial Report, December, 2012 PDF File

Financial Report, March, 2012 PDF File

OPCUG Activities - 2011: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF file

Financial Report, June 2011 PDF File

OPCUG Activities - 2010: Report to the OLLI Board of Directors - PDF file

In August of 2010, the following ballot issues were put before the membership. Thirty-seven votes were cast, either by email or in person. No negative ballots were received.

I approve the proposed re-allocation of existing OPCUG funds for the establishment of an equipment fund, and the dispersal of those funds, as deemed appropriate, by the group's coordinator. (37 affirmative votes.)

I approve authorization of the coordinator to reallocate OPCUG funds as he / she deems necessary in the future, without reference to the membership, not to exceed $250. This authorization may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting of the group. (36 affirmative votes.)


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